Eignungsprüfung für Berufstätige
For admission to study at a university, the university entrance qualification in the form of e.g. Abitur or technical college entrance qualification is usually a basic requirement. In order to enable access to those who are employed without a university entrance qualification, the Ministry of Science, Research and Art (MWK) has issued the Ordinance on Access for Professionally Qualified Students (BerufsHZVO). This means that people who meet the requirements listed under "Requirements and Admission" can submit an application to the university to determine the technical correspondence between their professional training and further education and the chosen course of study.
Contact person for exam: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Marco Busch
Who is allowed to take the exam at the KIT Studienkolleg?
At the KIT Studienkolleg, only applicants for scientific and technical (engineering) fields of study are examined. Applicants at all universities in Baden Württemberg can be checked here.
Applicants for other fields of study can register at the ISZ Heidelberg .
Participation in the examination must be submitted in writing to the responsible university for the following winter semester by January 31st.
Requirements and admission
Every year in May, the Studienkolleg at KIT conducts the exam for the admission of employed persons to university studies.
Applicants must first contact the university they want to study at. The respective student secretariat informs applicants about the admission requirements and advises applicants on their choice of subject. The admitting university decides whether to participate in the exam for employed persons and then registers the applicants for the test.
Only after a conversation with the academic advisor does the Studienkolleg give advice on the content of the exam.
Direct registration for the exam at the Studienkolleg in Karlsruhe is not possible. Registration must be made by the university.
Information on the procedure can be found on the zib website at: http://www.sle.kit.edu/vorstudium/hochschulzugang-berufstaetige.php
he exam is chargeable. The exam fee is currently € 200. This amount is due when registering for the examination and must be paid by March 31 at the latest. The fee cannot be repaid in the event of withdrawal or hindrance. Bank details: Deutsche Bundesbank, Karlsruhe branch, account number: 66001508, bank code: 66000000, note: PSP2003600031-EP + name of the test item).
Preparatory events are held at the Studienkolleg in Karlsruhe and at the MINT college in Baden-Württemberg in Karlsruhe und Stuttgart. Insofar as these are relevant to the aptitude test, you can take part in these (fee-based) teaching measures depending on the available places.
Structure and form of the exam
The exam consists of a written and an oral test.
The written exam consists of three exams with a duration of 120 minutes each:
- German: Writing an essay
- Supervision work in English: text comprehension task and text production in English
he applicant can be exempted from the supervision work in the subject English if the proof of English language skills of level B2 of the "Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmes für Sprachen" (GER) has been obtained if the proof was obtained according to the school law of the state of Baden-Württemberg or another federal state.
- Subject-specific examination: it contains tasks that are related to the chosen subject.
The oral exam is an exam interview that lasts about 30 minutes. The content of the examination interview are questions about the career path, the desired study goal, cultural, political, social and economic topics.
Exam examples